MakeUp in World

18 & 19 Juin 2025

De 9h à 18h - Carrousel du Louvre, Paris

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GEKA GmbH, founded in 1925, is one of the world`s leading manufacturer, supplier and wholesaler for high precision beauty application solutions including mascara, lip gloss, concealer, micro brushes and beauty tools. In addition, GEKA is offering Fully Finished service. GEKA`s product expertise, constant flow of innovations and countless patents mark us out as the application specialists. Since 2021, GEKA is part of the Swiss company medmix. With the German headquarters, sales offices in Sao Paulo, Paris, New York City, L.A., Poland as well as additional manufacturing sites in Elgin, USA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Shanghai, China, the company demonstrates an established global footprint.