MakeUp in World

2025 June, 18 & 19

From 9am to 6pm - Carrousel du Louvre, Paris

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11th Edition of MakeUp in Paris: hybrid makeup in the spotlight!

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Skin care and hybrid makeup care: a flagship theme of the show

A trend straight from Asia that is not to be missed!

Hybrid makeup has become THE most demanded product by consumers, who want to go for multi-tasking products and no longer wish to choose between beauty and skincare.

This new improved makeup with benefits and textures similar to skin care products, perfectly answers the new consumer demands. Indeed, with Millennials and Gen-Z who are ultra-aware of their impact on the planet but who also want to save time by lightening their beauty routine, brands have to think benefits more than products!

MakeUp in Paris 2020 will not escape this turning point in the industry and is making hybrid makeup the flagship trend of the show through dedicated conferences and new animations exclusively designed to help brands make the most of this movement and reach increasingly demanding and uncompromising consumers!

See you the 18-19 June at the Carrousel du Louvre to get more info about this trend thanks to a top-notch conference program and dedicated coaching sessions!