MakeUp in World

2025 February, 12 & 13

LA Convention Center

Badge Request

Madeline Leonard

Madeline Leonard 1a

Cloutier Remix

Owner/Director & Brand Consultant

Madeline Leonard is owner/director of Cloutier Remix and brand consultant in the Lifestyle/Beauty/Wellness space.  She facilitates the connections between artists/experts/influencers with initiatives, brands, services, launches and media. Madeline’s long standing relationships with artists, brands and media are the foundation of what has made her agency so extraordinary for the past 30+ years. Madeline  continues to strategically broker meaningful partnerships and creative collaborations among artists, brands, and projects. ” Today our focus is much wider and more strategic. We facilitate how to stand out in a crowded market. She focuses on global brand partnerships and strategies. “Collaboration is the only path for great things. I’ve never lost the excitement that comes from being a part of a creative venture. “

Wednesday 15 February - 9:30 am

The Beauty Tank: Makeup

Tuesday 14 February - 2:30 pm

The Beauty Tank: Skincare