Beauty activity has never been so intense and new key players have been shaking the market and changing all traditional methods.
The rules are being reinvented every second and consumers are more and more attracted to the dynamic and innovative aura of Indie Beauty Brands.
As an important actor of the Beauty Industry, Indie Beauty Brands need their business to go as fast as the trends and as wide as the consumer desires.
And among the various difficulties for Indie Brands, one is the selection of the right supplier for formulation and packaging as well as finding the ones who will accept, at least initially, low minimum order. On the supplier side, the issue is mainly short deadline requested and financial uncertainty.
This round table with gather selected formulation and packaging suppliers who have a great experience in start-ups and are willing to expand with Indie Brands who may become the next “golden nugget”!
The MakeUp in LosAngeles team is looking forward to welcoming you February 11&12, 2020 at the Los Angeles Convention Center for an amazing 5th edition!