As technology propels us into a new era, we become fascinated by alien life forms and virtual avatars, as we embrace a digital-age aesthetic, with beauty products inspired by futuristic colors and other-worldly textures. As technology propels us into …
When it comes to beauty, the United States remain the worldwide market leaders with US$17,217M annual revenue in 2021 (just before China US$14,368M). And this is only the beginning: exponential growth is expected until 2025 with an increase of …
Dear MakeUp in community, You have no idea how much we have missed you, and how eager we are to gathering you again in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Convention Center just offered us a last minute slot in …
Los Angeles is the cradle of many beauty trends with brands and artists taking inspiration from the surrounding entertainment industry. Doniella Davy, the makeup artist behind US show Euphoria’s unique looks, has been at the forefront of a growing …
Dear MakeUp in community member, Unfortunately, due to the continual concerns and limitations with large industry gatherings linked to COVID-19, the 2021 edition of MakeUp in LosAngeles will be postponed to December 9th and 10th. It will again be held …
Dear MakeUp in Community, We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Originally scheduled for February 2nd and 3rd, 2021, MakeUp in LosAngeles has rescheduled its 2021 event to April 20th and 21st, 2021 at the LA …
So, we’re 5 days away from MakeUp in LosAngeles and you still haven’t decided whether to come or not? Still haven’t MadeUp your mind? Well, here is the full list of exhibitors to help you decide all from the …
What does your lifestyle have to do with your skin? Everything.Bianca de la Garza Beauty understands your skin is “connected” to every organ in your body. What you eat, drink, think about, and do impacts how healthy your skin can …
The MakeUp in team is in pole position for the next edition of MakeUp in LosAngeles… Lots to share with you in 2 days! We asked our exhibitors what new products they were planning to reveal during the show …
Since last year, MakeUp in LosAngeles and Luxe Pack Los Angeles are held jointly in February at the unusual venue that is the Barker Hangar. In 2018, more than 3.900 visitors have come the way to Santa Monica for …